Vlogmas: Week 3 & 4


Well, we're finally done with our first week back at work after a fun filled week of family and traveling. We missed the opportunity to share our week 3 vlogmas recap, but now it's time for week 4, so I thought I'd bunch it all together.

I love, love, loved vlogmas so much! It really inspired me to make more videos and continue sharing Trevor and my life on YouTube. I like that we have this online scrapbook-like video that we can look back on for many many years to come. It's a really cool way to keep memories and document our life.

That being said, I plan on continuing the vlogging!! Maybe not as frequently as we did in December, but definitely more than we did before. How often would you like to see new vlogs on our channel?


Here are the videos you might need to catch up on from the third week:

Vlogmas Day 17

I actually had a major migraine this day which lead me to sleeping in bed most of the daylight hours. But, Trevor and I got to feeling better and went on a date! It was lovely.

Vlogmas Day 18 & 19

My migraines we not getting any better, so I thought maybe a chiropractor would help since I was feeling a lot of tension in my neck and upper back. In this video I tell you all about my experience going to the chiropractor for the very first time.

Vlogmas Day 20 & 21

These were our last days alone without family. So we decided to open our stockings. We chose not to buy presents this year for each other--since our present for one another was a house--and instead just did cute little stocking gifts.

Vlogmas Day 22

And then just like that we were with family from here on out! It was awesome. The first part of our Christmas vacation started with Trevor's family. We made cookies with his mom this day, and I taught them all what a buckeye peanut butter cookie/chocolate treat was.

Vlogmas Day 23

This starts some of the fun!! It was time to celebrate Christmas with Trevor's extended family. His aunt hosted and all of the kids opened gifts while the adults just say back and enjoyed the good food and company.

Here are the videos you might need to catch up on from this fourth week:

Vlogmas Day 24 & 25

OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIAL included the first snow of the holiday season, Christmas eve fun, and Christmas day! We opened gifts, spent time with family, and then traveled to Indiana to visit my family all within a 24hr span. It was pretty amazing--you should really watch this one!

And this is where some people end their vlogmas--but we kept going. Because for us, Christmas celebrations were not over yet. I was really proud of myself for continuing with these vlogs. Especially since when I started this on Dec. 1st I didn't know if I'd be able to continue this for even a week. It was very rewarding and definitely life-changing (as cliche as that sounds) to keep going.

Vlogmas Day 26

My family was kind enough to wait and pretend to start Christmas on Dec. 26th instead. This video is all about my Christmas "day" with my family. It was really fun. Oh, and also, I asked my sisters to be my bridesmaids!!! So you HAVE TO WATCH.

Vlogmas Day 27 & 28

The 27th was a rather boring and basic day... except, Trevor's mom and aunt came to visit us in INDIANA all the way from KANSAS!! The next day was wedding dress shopping for me, and I am so thankful that his family was able to make the trip and be with me. His family is my family, and I didn't want to do this day without them.

Vlogmas Day 29

And another just plain old day--we watched my little sister play a basketball game, then we helped my dad plow snow. My dad runs a snow plow business and I wanted to show Trevor the ropes. It's been such a long time since I've sat in a snow plow truck with my dad, but it was a great bonding experience for Trevor, my dad, and I.

Vlogmas Day 30

This was the Bailey Family Christmas--so that means a day opening gifts and having a good time with my extended family. We celebrated with people that I don't really see very often any more, and it was great. I feel like I keep saying things were great, but they just were. I did not want to leave Indiana and everything was so fun and care-free.

Vlogmas Day 31

And then last but not least, our New Year's Eve celebration!! The video started off by helping my dad master his new Christmas gift--a french fry cutter, and then we all took naps, but next, the party started up! We played cards, drank some alcohol, and hung out with some amazing family friends.

And now vlogmas is over. I'm actually kind of sad about it. We have yet to take down our Christmas tree because I don't want to get rid of the holiday spirit. Don't worry though--we're still making some videos--like this one, and this one! Give the videos a LIKE on YouTube, and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE so that you never miss out on videos in the future.