July 2017 Goals

This coming month is pretty jam packed. We have Trevor's family coming to visit one weekend, we are spending an entire week vacationing with my family in Indiana, and we have a few other things planned here and there. So, this month's goal's list is a little more minimal, but I am ready to accomplish everything on it!

What you might have missed last month:

I'm a Vegetarian

June 19 - 25 | Weekly Vlog

Being 23

June 12 - 18 | Weekly Vlog

June 5 - 11 | Weekly Vlog

May 28 - June 4 | Weekly Vlog

June 2017 Goals

Don't miss anything by following me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

And for even more content be sure to skim through my old blog posts:

Last Month's Goals:

+ Post to my new planner Instagram daily (including stories).

I rocked this one! And I am currently soooo passionate about my planner Instagram. I post almost daily and sometimes even multiple times a day. I took my following from 0 to almost 60 followers in a month. It makes me happy to see my numbers grow doing something I am just really passionate about--it never feels like work.

+ Read 1 book..... FINALLY!!

Nope. Nope. Nope. Taking this one off my goals lists for awhile. I just can't seem to get out of this slump. Too many other things are going on in my life right now.

+ Take the T&D videos to the next level by really focusing on creating good content.

We are still working on this, but I'd say that this month had a really strong focus on improving the vlogs. Trevor and I sat down and really talked about what our goals were for our channel and how we wanted to change things to accomplish that. It's going to be a work in progress for awhile, but at least we both have a purpose and direction.

+ Post to Snapchat (@dnbailey94) daily--can this become a daily vlog for me?

I didn't post to Snapchat (I'm not a huge fan of their location tracking issues right now), so I took to Instagram stories as well. I used my personal Instagram to document my life almost every single day. You should really check it out! I work through my to-do list with you via my Instagram story and is SOOO motivating and FUN!

+ Pamper myself with at least one bathbomb a week.

I didn't really think this goal through.... haha, I got a lot of new tattoos this month and you can't soak them in water for awhile. So this one had to fall through--not because I slacked, but because I literally could not take baths with fresh tattoos haha.

+ Get more planner stickers (aka. sign up for The Planner Society Kit!)

So, I'm pretty sure I surpassed this one. I don't even want to look at my budget and see how much money I spent on stickers. It's an investment to get going in the planner community, but I finally feel like I have all of the basics that I need. Now I'm just ordering deals and restocking a few things here and there. But I CRUSHED this goal!

+ Text/Call/Communicate with my sisters at least once a day.

This one didn't happen. And I'm actually really ashamed of that. I want to be able to communicate with my sisters more. We get along great--I just want to make sure we all stay in touch as we start growing up and going our separate ways.

June Goals

+ Keep up with my Yearbook (aka. Memory Planning/Scrapbook... see planner Instagram for more details) and journaling.

+ Go on a walk with Skye every day after work.

+ Post my "Daily To-Do List" on my Instagram Story every single weekday (blog post about this coming soon!)

+ Start doing Yoga again in the house every couple of days.

+ Try daily vlogging while we are in Indiana!!

I don't want to be over zealous with my goals this month because we are spending a week vacationing in Indiana. So, five will do for this month! I feel confident about these.

Want a look at my yearly goals for 2017--check them out here! Leave a comment below and let me know what you are hoping to accomplish this month. Have you set goals for yourself?