My Bullet Journal Flip-Through

I filled an entire notebook of memories, to-do lists, experiences, pictures, and more! My bullet journal is a cool way for me to keep a collection of all my things in one spot. I absolutely love flipping through this and seeing how everything has changes, stayed the same, and most importantly, how I've learned and grown.

Please take the time to watch the above video as it goes in to a little more detail than this blog post. I love making videos for you all, so feel free to leave me tons of feedback on what you did and did not like about this video. If you want to stay up to date, please be sure to subscribe!!

This journal started out as more of a "Dear Diary" format, but gradually transitioned into a more typical style of bullet journaling with Daily Pages, collections, and Monthly spreads. I never strayed away from the journaling aspect of this though, and that's one of my favorite parts of this journal. I always wanted to keep it as a book for memories, and I think it captured just that.