Christmas 2016

Christmas couldn't have been any more perfect. I got to spend a few days celebrating with my love--opening our own gifts, starting our own traditions, and making memories together. Then we drove off to his family's place in Kansas, and finally wrapped it all up (all the way til New Year's) with my family in Indiana.

First off, let's start by saying that this is going to be a long post--hopefully you like pictures and videos!!!

Trevor and I did our own Christmas thing on Wednesday night. We exchanged some gifts, had a homemade pizza dinner, and let each other know how thankful we are for one another. I got Trevor a dehydrator and a water-proof floating speaker. I opened up a completely geeky coffee mug that I love, and patiently waited as Trevor said that my other stuff had been shipped to his parents place on accident. I would later open those gifts there.

Christmas Eve was spent at Trevor's sister's place. We decorated Christmas cookies which was so fun (and Trevor even caught me in the act of eating a few)!! We ate dinner with family, watched movies, and played games with the kids. I tickled the baby and smiled so big.

Trevor also looked at a truck while we were there, and the dealership let us take it home for the night! He really liked it, but couldn't commit at that moment, so he walked away with lots of pictures and thought really hard about it.

On Christmas day, I woke up with a migraine. I haven't had one in almost two months, so this came as a terrible surprise. I took my perscription migraine meds, a few ibuprofen, chugged water, and went back to bed to rest. Trevor's family showed up at the house, so I woke up for breakfast before heading back to lay down in the dark again. I am so thankful that his family is understanding a let me rest. I felt a little better around 11 or 12 and we started opening gifts then.

We were so spoiled. Again, I can't be more grateful than what I am for Trevor's family--they have accepted me into their home and treated me like one of their own. I was blessed with some new clothes and wonderful other gifts!

After spending a little bit more time with family laughing and relaxing, Trevor and I had to pack up for our long trek to Indiana. We started our trip a little later than expected, and had to make a quick pit stop at our apartment before heading to my old home once more. It was a long night, but gave me plenty of time to think about family, friends, the holidays, and all the love surrounding me. I am truly happy and more thankful for than ever before.

I didn't take many pictures while with my family in Indiana until the New Year party. It always feels like my family is moving 100mph, so snapping shots along the way is tricky. I'll put a few images below, but be on the look out for my NYE 2016/2017 post.