3 Ways to Overcome Blogger Burnout

Have you ever had a month where you just didn't accomplish as much as you wanted? Did your blog falter and slip between the cracks? I've been blogging for over three years, and, without a doubt, these types of things happen to me from time to time. There's nothing you can do about it other than scoop up your pride and jump right back in.

Blogger burnout can be a killer! And if you can't recover, you might risk losing all of your readers. So, jumping right back in to the swing of things is so important in succeeding at creating a constant and personal online presence. The following tips are things that I have done in order to accomplish a quick and seamless recovery.

1. Refocus with goals.

Keep a list of goals visible:

Every month I lay out some goals that can help me become a better blogger, worker, and person. Having goals keeps me focused, and creating goals when I'm in a slump gives me something to work for and strive to achieve.

Make sure your posts are in line with your goals:

Okay, so now that you're back on track with some amazing goals that you're ready to achieve, make sure that your blog content follows your goals. Keep your goals in mind all of the time no matter what you're doing. When you're sharing something on Twitter, creating a new blog post, or even commenting on a fellow bloggers posts. Your goals should always be in the front of your mind, and should keep you focused on your blog.

Find and connect with someone who inspires you:

When I'm facing some blogger burnout, where I don't want to do anything or I just can't get inspired to write something amazing, then I'll scour my Bloglovin' feed and check out everything that my favorite bloggers have been doing. Hello Neverland is my inspiration blog--and I love checking out her amazing posts about journaling. Having someone to gain ideas and motivation from can really help pull you back into your own blog.

2. Refresh your space.

Clean up your workspace:

I'm so guilty of having a trashy desk. I love working at my desk and with time that usually brings about clutter. Whenever I'm feeling down and don't want to work on my blog, it often has to do with the fact that I feel unorganized and unproductive. Having a clean desk creates a minimal feel and makes it so all of your important things are totally in focus.

Redo your schedule:

Creating a task list, routine, or blogging schedule is another way to refresh the way that you're living and jump start your mind for fresh ideas. Having a plan, like a schedule, can help you get your mojo back and tackle that blogging funk you're in. Beating blogger burnout is all about keeping your mind sharp, your task list manageable, and your schedule busy with things you love.

Reevaluate your blog design

At the beginning of this year, I did a blog re-design. I wasn't happy with how things were going and that got me in a big blogging funk that forced me to stall for over a month. I needed a fresh start, so I made the website like you see it now. Taking the time to create something new got me inspired to do more and do better. Now my blog is thriving more than ever and my blogger burnout has subsided.

3. Keep learning.

Read blogs.

Just like I said earlier, you need to have your blogger inspiration person that you can go to to grab ideas and just get creative with. Another reason to follow other bloggers is to learn something from one another. Following blogging sites that teach you about blogging is going to make sure that you always keep your head in the game.

Find books you love.

There are tons of books out there about blogging, marketing, and making a living in the digital world. I love picking up a book every now and again that is about making my blog and myself better. Books can help you find your voice and really tune in on what you want to accomplish with your little online space.

Follow Pinterest.

Another great place to learn from is Pinterest. Pinterest has a million bajillion different pins related to blogging that can remind you why you love doing what you do. I have a special board on my Pinterest account dedicated specifically to blog ideas, and I have another all about Blogging and Social Media tips. Learning from these articles pulls me out of any blogging burnout that I am in and inspires me to get right back at it.

Have you ever been stuck in a blogger burnout? What did you do to combat the negative effects of this minor illness? Let me know in the comment section below!
