Have you ever said "my life is so boring"? (The LVP Newsletter wk. 32)

Have you ever said "my life is so boring"? (The LVP Newsletter wk. 32)

Have you ever heard me say your story matters? If not, well maybe you’re new to my personal blog, because I say it all the time! And it does—I truly believe that your story matters. Even if you think “oh, my life is so boring” or “no one is going to want to listen to what I have to say” or even the infamous “no one cares,” you’re wrong! Because your story is shaping the future, and the only way we can all learn about it, grow through it, and experience your truth is by hearing your story. So, let’s say it again, your story matters.

Our 2022 family photos

Our 2022 family photos

I don’t think there’s much need for text here… mostly I just want a place to post and share our family photos. But, serious question—How often do you get family photos? Our goal is to get family photos every year. And then extended family photos for my side of the family and Trevor’s side of the family every other year. That means this year we’re getting THREE different family portrait sessions. Thankfully I LOVE pictures. Here is session #1… our little family.

quick tips for telling your story

quick tips for telling your story

Have you ever heard me say “your story matters”? If not, well maybe you’re new to my website, because I say it all the time! And it does—I truly believe that your story matters. Even if you think “oh, my life is so boring” or “no one is going to want to listen to what I have to say” or even the infamous “no one cares,” you’re wrong! Because your story is shaping the future, and the only way we can all learn about it, grow through it, and experience your truth is by hearing your story. So, let’s say it again, your story matters.

Greysen is 6 months old!

Greysen is 6 months old!

Time is slipping through my fingers. Literally… this boy is so squirmy. I haven’t been on here to blog since November, because life is just flying on by. Most of my memory keeping and documentation these days is on Instagram because using an app, some photos, and minimal words is a lot easier than writing an entire blog post. But, Greysen is officially (and has been for some time now) six months old. I cannot believe how quickly my baby has grown up. Before we know it he’s going to be walking!!

What is Memory Keeping?

What is Memory Keeping?

Memory keeping is any thing you do to document your current or past memories for you or someone else to review and reflect on later. This can be in the form of images, journaling, video, or anything else that evokes the recall of moments in our life. We live in a time when memory keeping is easier than ever. We can share the stories of our lives in ways previous generations never could. Social media, video creation, scrapbooking, journaling—these are all forms of memory keeping. Since most of us carry around these amazing devices in our pockets called smart phones we can capture stories and mini moments in an instant.

Greysen's Birth Story

Greysen's Birth Story

Trevor and I are so excited to announce the birth of our baby boy. Greysen James Lang was born on September 2, 2021. We were induced at the hospital, and while labor and delivery didn’t go as planned, we wound up with a happy healthy baby in the end. I can’t believe that we have been home with our little bundle of joy for over two months now. We are adjusting to life with a newborn really well and can even say we’re getting some sleep. He’s perfect in every way, and we are so in love!