Journal Prompts #2

Two months ago I shared some journaling prompts (here) for those of you who don't really know what to write. These prompts were focused on newbies who might not know what to say to a book of blank pages. I'm going to continue targeting people who might need some inspiration to write some things down by creating these lists of journal prompts on a regular basis.

If you're a new journaler, or someone who journals regularly, these prompts are going to be great for anyone! Fill up your pages, let your mind go, and write about things you'd say and even the things you'd never say.

Journal Prompts #2

  1. I am thankful for what I have because...
  2. If you were stranded in the wilderness how would that make you feel?
  3. I love my body because...
  4. What does your inner self always tell you that you always ignore?
  5. What made you smile today?
  6. Write about your most recent failure and what you learned because of it.
  7. When you close your eyes what do you see?
  8. Make a bullet list of literally everything you did today.
  9. I could never leave the house without...
  10. What is the first memory you have about a loved one?

I plan to write one of these journal entries as a blog post in the next couple of weeks. What one would you like to see?